officially over
March 4,2014
That's when it all started
Every butterfly and smile i got towards you made all the tears and pain feel worth it.
I loved you more than i loved myself.
I probably would've died for you,
You made me feel things toward you that I've never felt towards someone else.
Then you denied me.
November 28,2015
It was officially over,
No more running back to you saying I'll wait for you and giving my all to you.
We were done,
To many lines had been broken.
There was no respect so our "love" was on a thin line.
There was no trust so there was no compromise.
It took 1 person doing one little thing that ruined what we "felt" for one another.
Usually when we called it quits i always had hope of getting back on good terms,
But this time there was none.
To many lines were crossed,
To many things were said.
The only connection we had left was your sister and even that couldn't bring us back together.
Every bitch you called me
Every tear you made me cry
Every painful sob i ever felt
Made love seem like it heart was heartless.
I've been fighting this battle for so long, I lost but at least its over with.
November 27, 2015 at 12:06 pm we were officially over.