nothing less than God
o lord our lord, how excellent
thy name in all the earth!
psalm viii
the linen-draped priests can spend
all Sunday summoning up this
stained-glass earth-shaker,
the All-Mighty, some
cosmic judge to satisfy
their whims. (verily, they
shall have their reward).
God is nothing less
than the still breeze rattling
the leaves behind you.
nothing less than the
water dribbling down the
front of the canyon.
than the fingers clicking
across the keyboard
the hands cooking dinner.
God is nothing less than
the soft momentum of a
summer day. nothing less
than the gas stove turning on
and the water boiling. bugs
humming, dogs howling.
sleepy children on the lawn.
the van wheels trace
another mile.
God is nothing less than
the erupting meadow.
golden flowers, and white.
clouds streaking to horizon.
nothing less
than repeated gestures and
some warm smile.
honey on waffles and
aroma skating on aether.
God is nothing less than
the crisp pale of snow
gliding to earth.
nothing less than crackle
of fireplaces, warm blankets.
sunset at five and defiance
of long, cold night via
the ritual of laughter,
lightbulbs and cookies.
God resides in
the least of these.
and this is where
I need My God.