Not my Name, Not my Major
I sat in the front row so you could see my face,
but I didn't put it there for you to judge--no, not by any means or pace.
You see all I want is to be recognized
for who and what I am.
but you can't even say my name--no, it's not Mary, Becka, or Sam.
You say that what I want to do is ordinary and plain,
that this gold in my eye is in fact gray
but how can you say that when they're my eyes to see?
What colors your world more differently than mine?
And why, time after time, do you keep me undefined?
I answer almost every question, I'm friendlier than many
so why is it that you can't see my name IS NOT JENNY?
It's not Corra, nor Renae, nor Laura, okay?
It's Lauren. And a woman in Mechanical Engineering sounds amazing--regardless of what you say.