Not mine, But Yours
My baby leaves for his first trip alone
Without me, his brother, or father
He will be gone for a week
On his senior trip with friends
Lord please take care of your child
He calls me everyday at the same time
Tells me how much fun he is having
I simply listen
And when he is finished
I say goodbye and that I love him
He says the same then hangs up
Lord please take care of your child
The day my son is to come home
He calls before he leaves
And says he will be back in 2 hours
The time ticks away slowly
I await for the presences of my baby again
Lord please take care of your child
The 2 hour mark went by 3 hours ago
I am beyond worried
I have called six times
My husband attempts to steady me
But not even he can keep me calm
Lord please take care of your child
Finally a call comes through
But not from my son
The man says to me "Ma'am your son is in critical condition"
I say with a tear already coming down my face
"What happened"
The man said that a drunk driver struck my son's car
The druck man was killed instantly
Lord please take care of your child
I rushed to the hospital
Where my son is being cared for
I looked through the glass at my son
I don't see the bruises and cuts
I see my baby
My little boy I love so much
Lord please take care of your child
I now am next to my son
Holding his lfeless hand
I have said many prayers this whole week
But I prayed harder than ever these last hours
Lord please take care of your child
My heart seems to stop
When I hear the heart monitor beep
Telling everyone my son's heart has stopped
Lord please take care of your child
The nurse and doctors rushed me out
And told me everything will be alright
I knew better than she
My son has reached the end of the road
Now he is with the one that is the light of darkness
Lord please take care of your child
Even though all this mess
I must remember that God is in control
He may have taken my son home
He may have taken my pride and joy
But I know and love and follow and obey him
Because his decisions are righteous
We all are to bow down to him
He has died for us and arose for us
His unforsaken love is awesome
Lord please take care of your child
It's been year now since my son has left
But I am not sad, but happy
He no longer has to see the horrible things of this evil world
He now lives for eternity with the one he served
I am happy because one day I will see him again
Alive and with a huge smile on his face
Lord please take care of your child