Not Me
"What's your favorite part about you?"
Is the question I dread
And I every day I think about it
Until I go to bed.
More like: what would I change?
My too large nose?
It always stays there sqaurely
On my face red as a rose.
Or how about this?
My arms are long and gangly
And they just hang there useless;
Oh they make me so angry.
I laugh and think of another.
My too small breasts.
I turn to the side to get a better look,
Smaller than a bird's nest.
The longer I stare at the mirror
The longer the list grows,
And the more I hate myself.
And then a though crosses my mind.
John doesn't care.
He told me to never change.
He said I was perfect,
And to think different was strange.
So this is my answer: Everything.
There is nothing wrong with me,
I like my nose, my arms, my breasts.
If you say different I'll disagree.
If I could change one thing,
The "perfect woman" is what I choose
Because she is not real,
She's just society's excuse.