Not Falling
I hear unnecessay cruel things said to me.
They don't know me, so why do they gossip?
I watch the world fade away around me,
I try not to drown in thier talk,
Why must they make me feel low?
So-called friends backstab me,
Whisper behind my back,
Watch my every move to set up traps.
I worry if there is someone that will accept me as I am.
Why must they make me cry?
They whisper into each other's ears,
Thinking I cannot hear,
I understand every word they utter.
I ignoring them self-consciously,
Deep down I say, why me?
How come they like to harm people?
Aren't they disgraced about themselves?
How would they like it if someone put them down?
Will it be fun then?
I had a lot of dignity
I didn't scatter and hide,
I reminded myself that I'm better than them.
I'm who I want to be,
Not what they make me.
I'm a much stronger person. thanks to them.
They cannot crumble me anymore,
Because what they did to me will come back to them.
It will huant their prefect little life's.
**NOTE: I have published this to in the past under my nickname Tamii.**