No Real Monsters behind this Mask
I remember the time
The time I hid behind my so called curtain of protection
I remember the time
The time that I was too scared to look at my reflection
So scared of who I had become
That all I wanted to do was scream and run
I had turned into something that I had always feared
A monster hiding underneath a mask
I remember the time
The time I thought I was the only one who knew of my dark past
This soon came to an end and did not last
I have finally found a safe place
A place where I could take off my mask and show the real me
This place continues to teach me how to live
It has taught me how to love and give
I remember the time
The time in which I thought I was a monster
I have revealed my true self by taking off this mask
I can finally be me without judgment
At last, at last I have found my home
In which I no longer have to be alone