No, Listen.
No, listen.
Heavy hands press down my shoulders
Study harder, swim faster.
My feet shuffle forward obediently
No fight, no flight.
Are you happy?
No one asks but the mirror
Hands squeeze my shoulders
Yes, I tell myself.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
The clock ticks
Hands squeeze tighter
My footsteps slow.
No. No. No.
My mind is roped in, held down
My feet yearn to sprint offroad.
Suffocating, drowning
I pick life
With a gasp, the hands lose grip
It feels strange to run
To run, to trip, to fall, to stand back up again.
Legs wobble like a child
I’m not a child
I’m learning to run
My feet no longer shuffle halfheartedly
They run free
At my command
and only mine.
I chase the horizon, boundless and beautiful.
Yes. Yes. Yes.