No Feet
The quote is "I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet."
Now, when I have no shoes, I'll be upset
If I see someone with no feet, I'm still wanting my shoes
Because if we must care for ourselves before we should care for others,
Then I'm still wanting shoes
Because even though this man has no feet,
I'm still shoeless
He has no feet for shoes to go when he needs,
But mine are cold
And I'm not saying that I don't care about this man,
But I must care for myself, too
Yeah, I can see how that sounds selfish,
But if we expect ourselves to be capable enough to take care and treat others,
We must be okay with ourselves
Because when I'm at my low,
There will always be someone who has it worse
So when someone says "at least it's not worse than it already is"
I'm not thinking about how worse it could get,
I'm thinking about how bad it is now
Because even though it could get harder,
This is still bad for me
Knowing of the greatness of much worse possibilities does not exempt the now
So when a kid doesn't eat their food because they don't want to,
Using the phrase, "there are starving children" doesn't help feed the hungry
When the kid doesn't eat, the children are starving
When the kid does eat, the children are still starving
If we keep on constantly telling our children that you must respect yourself so you can have it for your teachers, parents, friends, and just about anyone who deserves it,
Then why give them the guilt trip of them having it good when all we want for our kids is exactly that
So when they have it good,
Their complaints should be something we can handle on our own without mentioning the ones who don't have it good
So if I complain that my phone is missing,
Don't say "at least you had a phone"
Because my phone will still be missing and everyone who doesn't have a phone will still be without one
What's bad for me will be different than what's bad for someone else,
And when I said this to my friend,
she said she disagrees because she's been to the point where she had no shoes or a house or a phone and she's found it to be easier to be thankful for what she has
But what I mean is that when a person complains about their mother taking the car keys,
telling them that they’re lucky that their mom bought them a car doesn't make them appreciate it
and talking about how some people are homeless doesn't make them grateful
You have to let the person learn this lesson on their own so that they can grow as a more appreciative person and realize that these things that are our wants are just little luxuries
So that when they get these things back or when we'll have kids to give these simple pleasures to,
We can learn and then teach thanks to give to the little pieces of our lives that we do and don't need