When will I find my wings to glide across the sea?
HOW can you save me when I'm too far gone?
Where were you when I needed you?
When will you accept me?
Can you up and forget about me?
WHEN will I have the tears to cry when you destroyed my organs to breath?
Where is my smile?
Are you Ok?
YOU don't care do you?
Why do you look past a scream that bleed through your ears as you continue to walk away?
I gave you my oxygen so how am I suppose to live?
You questions my emotions but when I need a hand I fall to my knees Because you wasn't there?
Maybe it's too good to be true?
WHEN will sorry be enough?
Will this world get better Because I'm broken in it?
When will you unlock that door I hide my whole life in?
Will you caught me?
I wish I didn't have to write my words Because I hate to see those words I despise?
How can I stop running away if something calls me back?
When will you hear my voice?
When will a shooting star come and bloom the light in me?
When will someone see me?
Why can't you understand me but quick to assume?
I push myself past my limits trying to find something that keeps me whole am I complete ?
Where's my life jacket that comes and push me above the water as I drown?
When will myself value become enough?
I help those in need but What happen when a wealthy person is rich but poor?
How can you understand me when you don't even recognize me?
You pushed me off the edge so where am I suppose to find sturdy ground?
You hold on to me but What will happen once I need you to caught me?
Empty seats you left who was suppose to fill them?
You have a family so Why am I distance towards love?
When will the light break through this hell I'm in?
When will I feel like something instead if I am plastic behind a smile?
You saved my life but where was my life when I healed yours?
Do you appreciate me?
Is it really enough just 20 pills?
Why are you running from?
Who is IMANI!!!?
Why must I suffer while you gain?
Why wasn't it me maybe it's me who isn't worth loving?
When will I get free?
Disappear from the world but What's left you pain how must you escape?
Nonstop punches to the face where is your mercy?
You continue to control me once I seek freedom?
Who is out there who can hear me?
You left me alone so What was I suppose to do just wait while you never came?
Who's to blame when you look I'm the mirror and a finger points at you?
You can't cry?
You have a fake smile when will you reveal the real you?
You think They care about you What makes you think They would notice you?
14 years when will those walls get weak?
You fly when you have no wings so Why do you cry without tears?
What did you lose?
You yell at the sky hopping God could hear maybe he can't hear me though the voices of sin?
Their a nightmare that you wake up in where's your happy ending?
When you read this how many answer did you hear?
How many questions were unanswered?
And who is always supposed to have all the answers to solve?
I guess you through it was always me with the answers?
But I have no answers so who is suppose to help me....
Why was it always me who had to handle everything...?
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