Never Kiss High School Goodbye

Well that time has finally come,

When we walk across the stage,

Wearing our school colors,

And receiving our diploma from our beloved principal.


We walk back to our seats,

Look at all our friends through tear soaked eyes,

And realize that this part of our life's journey has come to an end.


High school may be over,

And we all will go separate ways,

But that doesn't mean we have to let it out of our sights.


We will always remember the memories we made,

The friends we laughed and cried with,

And the teachers who taught us what we know today.


We won't forget the struggles that made us stronger,

The lessons that made us wiser,

The place that shaped you into who you are today.


High school is where our home is,

Where our hearts are,

Where our soul will remain.


People say they can't wait to leave,

Can't wait to finally get away.

But ultimately, we all end up coming back at some point.


So as you stand on that stage,

Diploma in hand,

Simply remember this.


No matter where the wind blows us,

No matter what happens next in life,

High school will always be apart of us,

And we are never truly kissing it goodbye.


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