Need Blooming on a Cliff's Edge
I need your gentle fingers
To grace my skin
As your warm arms embrace me
And hold me together
I need your soft lips
To linger on each syllable
As your words
Talk my mind off a cliff
I need your strength
To become my life raft
As you save me from
My engulfing darkness
I need your hands
To hold me near you
As your heart beats
Letting me know you're still there
I need your warm stomach
To rise and fall
As you breathe peacefully
Sleeping next to me
I need your eyes
To look clearly at me
As you let me memorize
Your every inch
I need your intozicating scent
To surround me
As I search tirelessly
For any stable ground
I need your Promise
To show how much you care
As you slowly unveil
My most delacate layers
I need your understanding
To Shine a light through my storm
As I choose to trust you
With my every felling
I need your kisses
To fall gently on my forehead
As you whisper slowly
My three favorite words