"In the Name of Love"
Fire rainbow hair
And hues of blue in your eyes,
Tears running down your skin
And only love on your mind,
But revenge threatens
Like a bubbling red death.
Something like a storm cloud
Passes as your breath,
Shuddering with spite,
A force that cannot stop.
I know you too well,
From bottom to top,
From the target of your lightning bolt
To your house of pent up emotions
That rolls over, again and again,
With fear of hateful notions.
These notions are like nasty winds
Trying to push these thoughts away
And let the Earth simmer down
And ignore the problems of our day.
These notions - homophobic -
Now only aggravate the storm.
We warned and warned, “It isn’t over
Until our love can take its form!”
But still, with scornful conviction,
They raise those damn signs
That preach hatred in the name of love
Like tornadoes that strike wind chimes.
What they hear is Glory’s call
Ringing from those chimes,
But we hear threats to rip up our home -
Our place in the world. Every time!
Every freaking time a child
Wonders what they will be,
A homophobe with a chalkboard
Is somewhere waiting to “teach.”
Every freaking time a teen
Wonders who they are,
A homophobe that claims to love them
Is somewhere waiting to hit them hard.
Every freaking time a student
Finally gets a degree,
A homophobe viewing their resume
Is somewhere to tell them to leave.
Every freaking time
That a man and a man
Or a woman and a woman -
Anything but a man and a woman -
Want to wed,
A homophobe is somewhere
Demanding that they die instead.
We know
That others must face the continual rude push.
Transgender, agender, and gender fluid;
Bisexual, pansexual, and asexual;
We all wish to be understood.
In this drought of color,
We thirst for sweet success
And the chance to live life,
But instead we ingest
The fake promises
And reassurances of politicians.
We thought we were close to having it all
After the Obergefell v. Hodges decision.
Of course, there will always be
Quite a way to go.
Tears will be shed, but they will quench
The seeds that we have sown.
In the future, the flowers shall bloom
And be found beautiful and common in yards,
Given to loved ones in a bouquet,
And symbolic of our hearts.
Red for the determined,
Orange for the passionate,
And yellow for the sweet and kind;
Green for the leaders,
Blue for the sincere,
And purple for the change-driven minds.
This is what you may see
In the arc that marks our sky
After the stormy battle is done.
Perhaps everyone will come outside.