&My Proclamation

Lets stop all this fake shit and maybe start being legit with how were feeling and what were thinking since all we do is fight then act like things are all right when all we want to do is break down and hide but we keep all our feelings bottled up inside were living a life of lies. so tell me when this all stops and people don't have to be distraught, running from themselves because they can't handle the reflection in the mirror its starting to crash down. we believe in fitting in rather than standing out making no exception for people who don't share our religion fighting a war on our back porch in stead of creating peace in the middle east. how can we call ourselves free when were on lock down in a 3 by 3 foot cell. judging others because their sexuality is different we call them freaks, but everyone wants a freak in the bed or are we freaks in our own heads, tell me when freedom was marked with a price of a life because we couldn't stand up for what was right. I'm trying to believe in equal opportunity but its hard when I can't be friends with a teenage mom, or a guy who walks down a different path in life. So wake me up when you can open your eyes to realize that what we think is right is totally fucked up and when you dream of freedom thank Jesus who put his life down for yours and mine, remember the soldier that died in the battles for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. keep your head up high and keep your pride humbled so you don't mistake your identity for your dignity. keep strong and never give up because one day all this will soon be gone.

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