My Obsession
I love the people.
Even if,
I don't think they need it.
I don't think they want it.
I don't think they know it.
I don't think it even helps.
I may find that one day they'll thank me,
But most likely they won't.
Either way, it can only get easier,
Or harder.
So I love the ones who make me laugh
And cry.
So I love the ones who aren't hypocritical
Only liars.
I love those who have it bad
And have vowed not to turn out worse.
I love those who have been bruised
But have no use for my pity.
The ones who should be dead by now
But are somehow more alive than I am.
Those who should be beat by now
But who instead have simply found a new drumbeat.
Who avoid pain
While relishing it.
Who show they care
By sticking it out.
The immoral anomalies
Who just might have more morals than I do
And are too common to be atypical.
The respectful rebels
Who could use a little more respect
And who know rebellion is too cliché.
Weirdo, Creeper, Bully, Coward, Druggy, Delinquent...
But I call them
My Obsession.
I love.
Them all.