My Momma's Blessing
So sick of crying but more sick of you
The yous who are telling me what I should and should not be feeling
The yous who are telling me how I should be healing
None of you know, how could you nor do I
The pain that lies so deep inside
I have tried to mask, to hide it, to keep it at bay
no matter what I try at the end of the day it pours out of me
consuming my smile and leaving me empty
My mommas hugs seem to create a light
Her eyes sparkle through her tears she secretly sheds at night
Her words have meaning but not what I need
I just need her holding and listening to me
I need someone to just be there, someone to actually hear me
Someone who will sit in silence with me
Again with her strength my momma enters my room
Pleading with me to end this sadness let my happiness resume
I have gotten so good at masking the pain
Even she has no idea, that I have gone insane
My heart breaks daily
That I have let her down
Why am I not healing
Why have I do I have the ability to cry now with no sound
Why do I have these dark memories inside me
You must be pitying me by now, please stop
I am not in need of that
I actually am a happy person I just have moments of weakness
Moments that cloud my soul and fill me very being with hopelessness
On bended knees I fight my fight
In prayers in the most silent of nights
I plea with my Heavenly Father to save me again
To bring me to the morning to face the world again
To guide me through the night where my sadness seems to creep
To help rock my soul gently back to sleep
The morning brings the sunshine, and the sparkle of my mommas eyes
I hug her and I thank her for being by my side
She turns to me each day
With her heart so full of love
and tells me I am her greatness blessing from our Lord up above