My Love

Sun, 11/20/2011 - 19:00 -- ppadmin

Once wearing my heart on my necklace
I learned that letting you in wasn’t the smartest thing to do but
for the love I had for you I risked that and myself in the process
and its funny because i tried
I tried to make it seem like its not bothering me
when in all reality it is, I
tried to lie but its not true the fact that I still love you
but when you do the things you do it makes me feel like I hate you
when I don’t
its just another way for me to say that I miss you
and that i wish you
were here



This is a wonderful poem, and you truly let yourself be heard through its words. I think the most powerful part of this poem is in the line "tried to lie but it's not true" because we often try to trick ourselves into believing certain things, while deep down we know the truth.

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