My Legacy

I’ve tasted the mother-load of honey, and now I see – that the vision you have of me, Is far different than the one I envisioned of me.
I envisioned myself high and proud before a large multitude; proud because I know the Lord, and I walk in and profess His truth.
And high in the sense that I know my speech is eloquent, but failed to see that eloquence was irrelevant to the design God created me to be.
I was made to abandon myself, To lay down my life, and obtain a more abstract kind of wealth,
Wealth that is rooted and grounded in love. Love that is so high, and costly, yet ascends from a high place, heaven, onto a lowly shoulder ,like a dove.
To save my life for the sake of popularity, vanity, or comfort causes me to lose it.
For my death is gain, and in Christ is my true existence.
Confronting the oxymoron and the paradoxes of the story of Christ – challenges and transforms my mind into the mind of Christ.
So with all that is said, “Can I really be happy with myself if I walk in abandonment for the sake of saving someone else?”
And I know that I don’t have the power to truly redeem someone, but will I be okay to be meek and lowly, even if I appear to be weak one?
This decision is hard, and here comes the stress. I feel what Christ felt, as He prayed at the olive press.
“Take this cup from me. ” No, wait…I’m willing to exchange, here take the cup of the pride of life from me, for Christ’s gain.
I’m willing, and kind of scared, but I will fix my eyes on the truth and scorn the brunt of the dare. I dare to walk to the fullest, and see how far this gospel can go. Because if I never try, I’ll never know.
So through my mixed emotions, I will set my face like a flint on the cross. And walk unashamed for all to see. Because it is not about the millisecond of scorn, but an ongoing legacy – Christ’s legacy.
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i like this poem, email me id like to share some of mine with you. and let me know what u think before i post them.
Wow! So lovely!
beautifully written
passionate in terms of how you express your thoughts
amazing poem overall