My Heritage


United States
29° 34' 3.4104" N, 98° 36' 18.2664" W

I have a mixed heritage, you could call me a mutt.
I come from many cultures,
I am German, French, Indian and Hispanic, perhaps even more.
This is how far back my family remembers, this is where I came from.
I love my families, and I’m proud of where I come from,
but one side intrigues me more, the side of Mexican and from Indian decent.

When you think of Huron, you think the Great Lake,
maybe even Indians, when that comes up, I don’t have to fake.
I know where I come from, my father’s father’s side,
there was a tribe of Huron Indians, just that will show my pride.
My grandpa shows his book, named after us, it shows how we were,
our ancestors were wise, wearing clothes made of bear fur,
I am proud of where I come from, just as my grandpa is.

My grandma, yes from my father’s side, she is quite a wiz,
knowing things, lots of lessons, she has been taught.
From her family, her mother and her father showed her a lot.
She grew up with nine other siblings, in a house with only two rooms,
she worked when she was little, sweeping with a broom.
Her parents worked, in a store, at the front of their home, it made them glad,
that she would help, so they could live, on how little that they had.
Her parents had come from Mexico, from houses with a dirt floor,
They came to the U.S. so they could have something more.
My grandma grew up rough, but she loved her parents so,
but when her dad got Parkinson’s, he clearly had to go.
Her mother was next, becoming ill and very sick,
although she had breast cancer, she still played many tricks.
She was a strong woman, she never let anything bring her down, not even maybe,
I was the only grandchild to meet her, although I was a baby.
She lived a full life, and it was sad to let her go,
my grandma was so close to her, my family was as well, so,
we keep her in our hearts always, the memory of her lust.
We pray for her, and for all of us, god is with her, looking over us.

Their heritage is still with us today,
we live by the lessons they have learned and passed down generation to generation,
we Race for the Cure yearly, because breast cancer runs thick through our blood.

I am looked down upon, because I am hispanic,
I do not let myself be intimidated, I know I am better than that.

I feel the closest, to my father’s heritage,
because I know so much about it, because they tell me.
I like knowing where I come from, and one day I’ll pass it down,
when my kids become ignorant, discouraged.
I’ll tell them about here our blood comes from, and how great our relatives were.
Although I am not the same, hard working, smart, wise people they were,
I come from them and will one day learn their ways, and hopefully be,
at least half of what they were, but I am still proud,
of where my blood comes from.



Always be proud of who you are.

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