For My Grandfather
I remember when you would dry my tears with your rough hand
I remember when you would hug the breath out of me
It seems in the blink of an eye you disappeared, so now where do I stand
Where do I go now when I need someone, where you would be
I remember when you used to rub my belly when I was sick
I remember when you used too tickle me until I gave you a dime
But now my memories have turned into seeing you catch the cancer stick
Now I have to witness you lay in a bed and beg God for a little more time
I remember when you would yell at the TV you just couldn't stand
I remember when you used to make a joke about the awful Micky D’s
I begged too long for you too stay, so now I must demand
But beggars can’t be choosers so I had to say goodbye, down on my knees
I remember when you cared for me whether I had bruises or a little tick
I remember when you were so alive and sublime
I had to realize there is no rose without a prick
I had to accept my hero was gone, only if it was a once upon a time