My God Is An Awesome God
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
He saw that it was good so he continued his creation
He created Adam and Eve and gave them all of their worth
That there was the start of this God given nation
My generation is so screwed up
And we’re supposed to be the hope for the future
I can just imagine what chaos will erupt
If this generation doesn’t learn to mature
John 3:16 states that God loved the world so much that he sent his son to die
Instead of being thankful and worshipping God people defile his name
As I overlook this world, all I can say is “Why Why Why”
Yes I am a Christian, and that’s what I will always proclaim
Jesus died for you and me and saved us from a life of damnation and torment
They hung him high and stretched him wide he hung his head for me he died
Now that’s love, agape love the highest love that can be demonstrated
God is amazing so give him your life; he hears your silent cries
My prayer is that the world realizes that life is not a game
Nobody knows the day or time but Jesus is coming back
I don’t know about you but I want to be caught up in the rapture
The day that he returns, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD