To My Future College Roomate
I love to talk.
I may talk to you
I may talk on the phone (talk, not text).
I may talk to myself.
Talking is one of the most amazing things people get to do in this world!
I love food,
specifically bacon.
Good in the morning and at night.
I love Subway.
My mom's black-bean-chili is to die for.
Speaking of to die for
(cue awkward transition)
my relationship with Jesus is quite serious.
I read, I pray, I serve others; my faith in a nutshell.
I love literature.
Multicultural literature,
(like Roy’s The God of Small Things),
currently tops my list,
but any ole' hardback will do.
I write poetry -
some good, some exceptionally terrible.
My family thinks me messy.
Scattered scribblings of half-finished stanzas my be “near” the trash can.
I’m really interested in you!?
My roommate this summer was different from me.
Different religions,
different sexual orientations,
different culinary habits.
But, we became great friends.
What’s your favorite food?
What do you like to read?
What 5 words would describe you on a college application?
Most importantly, what do you value above all else?