My Family's At War

On the oustide, looking in

Our bubble looks like a giant mess

To anyone with common sense. 

That's what it is-- a giant mess.


Even if you don't know our story,

You can tell that something's not right.

All we ever do is fight.


Fight for justice,


Fight for love,


Fight for peace...


No, it's not easy.

When a family is at war with itself, it never becomes easy.


Men hide their families from reality, and create their own.

Their wives just smile, and try to be that "perfect woman"

Submitting to their husbands, hoping that one day,

The favor will be returned, that they, too, could be loved.

"Yes, you can force me to stay inside."

"Yes, you can treat me horribly in front of people."

"Yes, I'll just laugh and come running to your aid."

They won't realize that they're just objects of comfort...

Teddy bears.

Everything they've ever lived for is anything but fair. 

They're not a real person, like they should be.


Those of us who choose not to let others define us

Cry and cry over the loss of loved ones,

Who willfully let their true identity go.

It hurts more than you'll ever know. 


Seventeen years have gone by,

The silence has been broken,

And now, it's the bubble's turn to shatter.

And they still sleep under the same roof,

Like that'll protect them in the long run. 

Criminals need to be behind bars.

Pretending he's innocent won't make the truth go away. 

Controlling his family won't make them stay. 


They just keep pushing us further away.

We can't speak to our cousins, because they're on "that" side,

And we're on "this" side.

Even though we didn't do anything wrong.

This isn't our battle.

Yet we're caught right in the middle. 


I can only wait until the battles subside, 

And maybe, just maybe,

They'll begin to realize

The mistakes they've been making this whole damn time.

And finally... finally... things will go right.








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