My dream job
To write my name in the middle of the sky
my name "Daisha, the greatest alive"
and on the streets of my hometown
to yell "She will bring light to the retirement town"
to write my name among the greats and win my crown
my dream job is for everyone to know my name
for it to reflect off of the window panes
to hear my name ringing loud and clear
in the Broadway audiences in the New York theaters
screamning ANCORE!! ANCORE!!
screaming they want more
of my majesty
to reign over their senses and crowd me more
with love
saying there is no one greater
that i am closet to God, my holy maker.
My dream is to belt out notes
singing for the ones who dont have the vocals
singing for the ones who are stuck at the broke down job locals
singing for the ones who lost their dream's focus
i just want to live it up before my time is over
leave my mark before the world freezes over
i want to let the world know that i was here
be the hero of my peers