My Disease
I have a disease
It makes me ill
But I was born with it
It ain't rare
It's like the new plague
I was born with it
Nobody wants to be with me
Cuz they'll catch it too
They don't want it
It'll plague them
They don't want me
Oh, am I so lonely
It's transmitted
through blood
through saliva
through bodily fluids
i got it from somebody
but then I had it already
what about you?
People treat me different
so i hide it
I have this ugly secret
me, the ugly duckling
i don't have to share it
nor should i
i have my privacy just like
you and america
and everyone
why should i be any different
why should i have to share
don't ask don't tell is my motto
and don't you dare spill
it's ruined my life
and still it's my disease
there's support groups and all
I'm going there
i'm not coming back
i look in your faces of hatred
i spit in them and say
but i'm so lonely
i need a hug
if you give me one
you understand
and if you turn and walk away
you don't
but that just means
you're not aware
of how much this
can change you