to my dearest, greatest fear:
I have meaning, past my purpose. I do.
I know this. I am even - most days - convinced of it.
Of this, my dearest, most familiar fear, I offer this proof:
I found a feather, today.
I found many feathers. first one, then another
and another
They were long
and short
and gray.
one- was speckled
with a fine dusting
of that very rich shade of brown
that blood takes
when it has been dry only a few hours.
Holding those feathers, today, which i had paced, back and forth and back and forth,
to collect,
it struck me-
I drove today
From the place where I work
-a place where people, angry at other people, try fervently for their pound of flesh-
Down a road nicknamed ‘Blood Alley’ for how often people die on it
for how often people die violently on it
to ride a horse far larger than myself,
plenty capable- of hurting me
on purpose (unlikely), by accident (likelier).
plenty capable- of killing me
on purpose (unlikely), by accident (likelier).
at this barn that i go to
i heard first one -then many- sirens
and was alarmed
how many ambulances, fire trucks would be needed
to make such a noise
and then was relieved to realise
that there was only
the one.
the battalion of emergency vehicles
that i had thought
that i had heard
was merely the family of coyotes
that i know to live nearby)
I do this thing
where injury is not just likely
but assured- and frequently! -
I do this thing every week.
more than that.
thrice. most often.
more. if i’m able.
Today, when I found the first feather - of many - i was surprised. i saw another. what luck!, i thought.
And then another. and another. and then. another. and- not the last, perhaps the fourth- another. with a smudge of blood on it.
Oh. i thought. and: something died here, i understood.
and so I collected my
- mine now, yes, whatever had them before certainly isn’t using them now-
handful of feathers
- from the gravel from the grass from the dust from the dirt -
with a smile on my face and a spring in my step.
i put them down
on the passenger seat of my car
tucked all together,
so they would not blow away
and i drove home down the road called Blood Alley
singing -badly, cheerfully- all the way
something to think about.