My Dear Mr. Goodbye
My Dear Mr. Goodbye,
I never wanted to let you go,
I never wanted to see you run.
I know that I held on far too long.
I knew when you were already done.
I refused to ever believe
We would leave each other,
Drift apart in ways that
Could break a chained tether.
But I need to let go.
You became an idea,
Not a tangible boy
Meant for this poor mija.
But now I shall call you
My dear Mr. Goodbye,
Because I have left you
Despite my broken cries.
My Dear Mr. Goodbye,
I know now what I need,
And I know that I must
Let my mind become freed.
Freed from all of the heartache, that you
Have wreaked on my very broken soul.
I know this good bye may leave a scar,
But I'm proud of this battle wound's toll.
Your Dear Ms. Goodbye