My Darkness
I am in love with a man
whose soul burns so brightly
that it blinds me.
It gives me warmth
and comfort,
but how can I always be satisfied
with something that
takes away my sight?
His luminosity can make me so angry
because I will never shine
like he does.
It looks like we have
“the perfect relationship”
but no one else knows that
my soul will never be as vibrant
and clean as his.
They do not know realize that
I punch things, that
I let
push their way through my lips.
He sits there patiently,
and takes it.
Others do not see that even
when I push him away,
he still reaches out for me in his sleep.
He brings dinner home for me
and kisses the top
of my head
like the sun kisses
the Earth
as it slips over the horizon.
He is warmth and love
and does not deserve a soul
as cold and as
dimly lit as mine