My Crimson Angel
Alone in the chilling void,
Feeling emotionless as a metallic droid.
Why am I here?
Why can't I stop these vast rivers of tears?
Never been so afraid, so cold;
Yet, I see a fluttering, red light, so vivid and bold.
Why would it be coming towards someone like me?
Never felt a light so comforting, so warm.
As it's molding into a crimson butterfly form.
I instantly smile,
Its gentle wings brushing away all my denial.
Tenderly kissing my cheek,
Telling me it'll be ok and will bring me to my peak.
Following the beckoning butterfly out of the darkness to where I was meant to be.
The butterfly was leading me to my ultimate dream;
Holding it so delicatly, I could only beam.
A world so vast and bright,
Nothing would make me feel its terrible bite.
My savior fluttering, softly in my hand,
No crimson butterfly could be even half as grand.
It saved this heart, beating within my chest and giving me the gift to be free.
The crimson butterfly was floating elegantly away,
I'm so afraid, desiring it to stay.
Begging, I plead,
Don't leave me, my one thing important in this world, the one thing I desperatly need.
The butterfly was touching my lips as it kissed,
Saying, I'll be dearly missed.
But it must go, it cannot stay, the crimson butterfly was assuring me that it will see me again another day.
Endless tears flowing down my cheek,
Overwhelming with emotions so I could not speak.
Filled with joy and despair,
How can I remain strong? This pain's too much to bear.
The butterfly left me a vital gift,
Endless warmth from a crippling cold, so my head I am able to lift.
I now understand, now I can smile as I'm waving good-bye as the butterfly danced away into the enchanted sky.
Once I awoke, I got the call.
My precious treasure, my sister, my best friend forever, passed from this world and onto my knees I fall.
The indentity of the crimson butterfly,
Since I wasn't there the day she passed, she managed to grant me one last good-bye.
It was no butterfly,
In my dream it was my precious friend, a beautifly.
Forever in my heart, forever in my mind, I'll never forget the moment our eyes first met.
In my dream, remembering my fear, the crimson butterfly whispered in my ear and said, "Tears you shall NOT shed. Now, the clouds may seem grey, but cheer up, you dummy. I'll see you again another day."