My Commitment

The yelling screaming and bickering

It gets old to me while I am here sitting

The feeling I am not good enough has me trembling

I feel I have to be a certain way just to fit in

Through the accomplishments of no one but I have to be the only one

Just to show yes "I can do it "

Every day its a new worry

I have to accomplish this or do that but this deadline

But could you do it?

You pressure me because you say its something you haven't had

But the feeling of you not having it is breaking me down to make sure I have it

I dont want the struggle

I want succsess

I dont want to make false promises

or have regrets of something I could have had

Its hard to try to be the only one to make it

Im the only one of  3 to say yes I made it

But the constant arguing to make me better is only breaking me down

I am going to put up a fight

This right here is something real I need to succeed

I have no other option

This is my commitment

You only write once


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