My Brother
To have a big brother like you
means the world to me.
I don’t know what I would do
If you ever left me
or decided to see through.
Years ago I didn’t feel this way
we used to legitimately fight
Hate each other and not talk for hours
This would happen at least once a night
Some days I wished you would just move away
As the years went on
the fights started to subtract
But still occasionally happened
We started to accept the fact
That we have to live together.
In our later years
Things changed like no other
We began to talk all the time
Were there for each other
Didn’t let the other disappear
You started taking me with you places
Introducing me to many faces
I actually felt like you didn’t mind me
You would tell me random cases
Sometimes I could really careless
But someday I knew it would come back to haunt me
So I decided to appreciate
Because I knew you felt the same way
When I would inform you of something
But yet you always seemed to agree
A punch here, a punch there
A laugh here, a laugh there
Was how we lived our lives
caring about the other
and random nights that were rare
Now you’re off to school
I don’t see you often
I miss you very much
I don’t have an option
I just want you to know, I love you.