My Boogeyman
Underneath my bed while I fall asleep
Lives a creature that slithers and creeps
It claws at my hair to get to my mind,
and the answer to “Why?” I may never find.
I sit upright,
heart quaking,
hands shaking,
mind screaming.
I’m forced to remind myself, “It’s okay, it’s not real, I’m just dreaming.”
The darkness does not answer,
but leaves a deafening silence,
I lower the blanket and hold my breath
To try to tune in to the quiet.
This boogeyman that haunted my dreams,
Gave me many situations and objects to fear.
But with his presence, I've learned my lesson,
And his purpose has been made quite clear.
Look around for what’s out there,
What lurks in the shadows,
What crawls up behind you,
Or hangs from the gallows.
No longer an obstacle,
My boogeyman’s made quite the mark.
Because I know that I’m no longer
Scared of what’s in the dark.