My Anxiety Is Not Contagious
No, I am not crying over a boy.
No, I am not just a bit stressed.
No, I am not just being a teenager.
Yes, I know I am shaking.
Yes, this has happened before.
Yes, I want you to leave me alone.
I need to be alone.
I need my mom.
I need my pills.
What is it like in your head?
What is the silence like?
What is it like to be not afraid?
Can I go home?
Can I run away for a while?
Can I ever be free?
Is there a way out?
Is there an off switch?
Is there a solution that
Isn't drugs
Isn't therapy
Isn't wrtten on my skin?
You don't understand and
You don't have the time to care and
You need to go.