Moon and Sea
Confidently unthinking I walked into the shadows
I thought I was Lolita, hardly, really I was callow
Shallow silly mistakes I made while in the crypt will haunt me
Jaded faded memories like ghosts will surely taunt me
My innocence lingered in my heart, I didn't know
It's sinister the way it's easy to let the heinous grow
Red suns turned to blue moons every single night
As harrowing demons came out and filled my soul with fright
As the monsters crawled from the depths, I watched the star filled skies
Do you dare look close enough to see them in my eyes?
My horrors come awake only when I sleep
My soul is telling my heart it's my innocence I should keep
The world is unawakened so I seek the moons advice
She whispers all her secrets down in breath that's cool as ice
I learned from her the unspeakable monsters that I fiercely wished to hide
Could become my spirits saviors, all I need to do is try
As my vision of the darkness, thanks to Luna, started to change
I felt the warmth of the salty sea calling out my name
For the moon had told the wise old waters about my troubled soul
and the ocean reached out from peaceful places to keep me from the cold
The sea came out each night and swept me from reality
Telling magic stories only age would know about morality
In the end it was evil that had taught me to live in peace
from my loves, the moon and sea, I learned to forgive with ease
No longer do I look at monsters and see wicked things
but rather stories of beautiful sadness, lessons living brings
And when you catch me briefly close my pale blue eyes
it's because I'm thanking the moon and sea, rejoicing within moonlit tides