A Moment
All I need is a moment. Better yet, all I have is a moment.
This One Job may change my life!
For me, it's a matter of life or death.
And Right now I'm dying inside but this moment is all I have left.
At 5 years old, I dreamed of this moment.
Notebooks full of lyrics bombarded my closets.
They made themselves comfortable in the crevices of my drawers.
Thoughts of me taking the stage and serenading my fans clouded my imagination
as I sat at my desk in school.
I dropped a piggy bank worth of pennies into a million wells just for me to get this moment.
Have you ever wished?
Like a slippery fish, that dream continues to slip through my fingertips.
Every time I think about letting it swim upstream freely, I clinch it tighter.
I can't just catch and release it.
I can't just let it go.
Have you ever prayed?
Does God hear me sometimes?
I cry about this moment but He's the only one who knows if it actually exist.
Being on that stage, singing the songs of my life.
Yep, that's my moment.
No longer feeling like a caged bird that sings.
How about a song bird that sings to take care of her family.
A song bird that yearns for someone to finally be proud of her.
A song bird who refuses to let her grandmother who paved the way for her & worked hard only to die early, die in vain ?
The pain.
This is tribute to that moment.
And When it comes, I will be ready.
Student loans haunt me like ghosts.
No matter what I do or where I go, they follow me.
As I walk through the valley of the US dept of Education , I shall fear no debt.
For my moment reminds me of the sacrifice I must make in order to see it.
I have to work to see this moment.
So College, here I come for the second time in a row!
Hello Class. My name is Whitney & My dreams are bigger than my pockets.
I know nothing that comes from God will be easy but damn, when will I catch a break?
I know practice makes perfect but why does practice feel like a full time job?
And I know I was born to do this but why do I feel like crawling back into the womb where I would have no worries?
A gift and a curse!
At times, I am my worst enemy and my biggest obstacle.
I am too hard on myself.
I sometimes doubt my capabilities.
I've let opportunties pass me
But you live & you learn.
I'm on the train toward my moment and this time , I cannot miss my stop!
The Pressure.
The Fear.
The anxiety that I feel.
In spite of it all , I push for my moment.
My family and friends are waiting for me to be on the stage,
to pose on that magazine cover.
There is no more time to wait.
There is no more time to wait.
There is no more time to wait on my moment.
So I must make my moment.
All I need is a moment. Better yet, All I have is a moment because this ONE job may change my life.