Mid-Teenage Crisis
It’s moments like these that I am aware of reality
I am mortal,
My life is so fucking short
it’s the blink of an eye
and as I lay awake at 4am as I do tonight
I wonder
What do I really want?
I have great friends,
with whom I enjoy spending time
But what am I doing with the rest of my time?
Am I ignoring my family, who is out of physical reach
for the time being?
What have I been doing for 18 years?
I need to be more productive,
I’m wasting seconds that I’ll never get back.
I wish it weren’t a balance
I wish I could just leave everyone and everything
holding me to this Earth
and discover myself.
Maybe what I truly want is something I already have
But in this moment I am unsatisfied.
I need to change, it’s driving me mad.
I’m tired of stagnation
I bury my head in my hands and ask:
What am I doing?
Pull yourself together
Don’t let anyone else control you
or tell you how to live your life.
Be as existential and progressive as you like
forget other people’s ignorant garbage
be free of the cultural and societal restraints
that cuff your hands together.
Get off your ass and create something
use the skills given to you and make something of yourself
And above all, follow your heart
it will lead you to where your true desires in life lay.