Our core beliefs
Which were once priorities
Have come to change towards minorities
The greatest weapon is compliance
Yet that is the same thing that brings sirens
We are picked off one by one
A race under attack
The only crime we've committed is that WE are black
We are who we are
We love who we love
Happiness is all that matters at the end of the day
It shouldnt matter if you are lesbian, bi, trans, or gay
No one should have their rights stripped by someone who doesn't have a say
Land of the free, but we have shackles on our people
Equal rights for everyone
Maybe one day we'll all be equal
The road to equality has not been an easy one
The pathway was paved by those who had a vision
Susan B. Anthony brought us quite a way
But her work will not be complete until we get the simple stuff like equal pay
There is a lot of work to be done
We are a nation divided
It is small things that I've listed that keep us from being united
About Myself: I am Jaden Stone. I am a 17 year old senior from Tennessee. Since Being that I am a minority, the topic of civil rights is one that I am passionate about. I thank the organization for giving me a chance to express my feelings, while also giving me the oppurtunity to help fund my college education. I think that our country needs to take a step forward to help represent the underrepresented.