Meaning of life is what,
To search it i travelled alot,
Far and wide, areas so vast,
Went to scholars from saints i asked,
All the answers for me were vague,
From my question now everyone was plagued,
Now I was worried and bewildered,
How i would find the meaning of this word,
Suddenly i saw someone on my way,
To him I said " hey''
And asked about him,
About people with him,
Sitting in line as if lunch was about to begin,
Old, kids, and adults were waitin';
I asked him what is this all?
Read what's wriiten on the wall,
With black colour it was written,
Available here is everythin',
Food and water,
all neccesities and shelter,
I was amazed and got what was he doing,
He smiled at me with face so glowing,
He said to me'' happiness exists in serving,
In helping and serving,
Helping all those whose fate is hard,
It's also way to earn the love of Lord,
Real meaning of life that day I got,
In little interval of time, I learned alot,
That man was quite rich,
He could have lived life of his wish,
But he gave priority,
To nothing else but humanity,
Now for me meaning of life is nothing,
But serving.