I’ve always wondered what I look like to other people.
Maybe, as I walk the halls,
People only see my mottled grey-black skin and
Slimy black hair that slithers around my body making me as small as possible
Maybe they feel the darkness radiating out of me and see a real life Grinch
Maybe they think I too have an ice heart that just seeps with evil.
Maybe they all silently run in fear and cringe in disgust when I walk by.
Or maybe,
They see sunshine pour out of my eyes when I look at them
Seeing the humanity I wish to save
Maybe they too see the moon’s rays still reflected in my hair and the starry diamonds speckling my skin
Maybe they see the warmth and love I pour out of my heart
And the eternal flame that rests in my soul.
Or maybe,
They only see my river blue eyes
My soft pinkish skin covered sporadically in moles
They see my frizzy brownish hair
And picked off nails
And maybe they don’t use my eyes a window to see the intentions in my soul
Maybe they don’t see me at all
And maybe I mean nothing to no one
Except me.