A Manifesto of the Things I Want in Life (most of them anyway)
I don’t want to be quiet anymore,
(that really bothers me.)
I want to fill the silences and make people smile.
I don’t want to be lost anymore.
I want to regain the confidence I once had.
I want to feel complete enough that I feel encouraged consistently.
I want to give my future everything I can.
I want my body to be comfortable.
I want my mind to be comfortable.
I just want comfort in life.
I want to let myself be my truest.
I want to know how wonderful I can be.
(Or how wonderful I already am.)
I want to take chances, stop overthinking and just do.
I want to be present in our world more often.
I want to be less embarrassed by the little things and speak up.
I want no worries about what others think of me or fear for what could happen with my actions,
(or really anyone’s actions.)
I want no filter for the things I say.
I want to see the sun and feel her rays.
I want to see flowers and to touch and smell them.
I want an orchard but most importantly a sunflower field.
I want to be engulfed by the colour yellow.
I want green trees covering our planet as the trees had once intended.
I want to climb cliffs and mountains with no fear of falling.
I want my inspirations to come as clearly as my imagination once pushed me.
I want no limitations.
I want to keep growing.
I want to live.