A Man Named Jesus
I’m going to tell you a story
A story not about you or me
But a story about a tree
See this tree was called a cross
A horrific death sentence laid across
a man named Jesus
You see Jesus was a man
a man from Galilee
You could say he was the first lifelong celebrity
See Jesus walked on water
and kicked out the temple barters
a man named Jesus
He calmed the storms
raised the dead
and told the lame to pick up their bed
He gave sight to the blind
and put the Pharisees in a bind
a man named Jesus
He forgave sins
and healed the sick.
Yes all of this was way more than a magic trick
He was, is, and will be the Christ
which made the Pharisees think their religion was under heist
a man named Jesus
See He was the son of God
The first born of all creation
Who died for our sins without hesitation
He is our Savior
so we don’t hope to get by on good behavior
a man named Jesus
The Bible says
He is the way, the truth, and life
no one goes to the father except through Christ.
He was the light of the world
and he came to save every man woman boy and girl
a man named Jesus
But after salvation there is so much more
We are to be a light in the darkness
and always be ready to plant a harvest
We are called to be in the world and not of it
but sadly so many of us like the fit
and instead of being lit
We look like this.