The Man Behind the Curtains
The man behind the curtains
The face behind the veil
Hides one thats so uncertain
The wall that many fail to scale
Why is he so guarded? they ask
Who is he down in there?
The man behind the mask
Behind that icy stare
He puts up such a front
No once can see the cracks
Now I don't mean to be blunt
But these are the facts
His smile is plastered
His tone is not his own
Deception he has mastered
A fraud to the core he seems so alone
He lives out of fear
The world is out to get him
It all seems so clear
Why his face is so grim
The world is full of suffering
The worldis full of pain
To himself he simply clings
Ruler of his own domain
He rules his curtains
Blazes his own trail
Though I now know why, I am still uncertain
Who is, this man behind the curtain