A magic trick
All you see is the exterior form
Instantly you judge me by my face, clothes and background
Yeah I'm different, isn't everyone?
Flawed human beings we are
Hiding behind, creating an illusion
If only people would accept me
See me as I am for there is only one of me
Uniqueness, one of a kind
Like a dragonfruit, hesitant by the skin almost discouraging to eat
Inside the beauty filled with sweetness similar to me
Often others glance one look and walk past me like air
Who was that? I don't know, just some girl.
Like a magic trick depending on how it's utilized
You can make yourself invisible or seen
I don't want to live like this
You only see me and biased you are, you won't accept me
Knowing this I'm afraid to step outside and see the world
Feared by the whispers and harsh words of others
Still I want to live, come out as me
Someday, someone will love me exactly for who I am.