Loving with Mental Illness
When you live your life with a mental illness
You overthink and love with your whole heart
Sadly nothing can kill it
Because it became a part
A part of who you are
And what you think about
You start to feel bizarre
Living life with many doubts
You think your not capable of love
Due to the constant number of attacks
You realize you will never be above
Until you learn how to relax
That boy you opened your heart to
That boy you allowed to see yourself
Made you saw life in a new view
A life without himself
You gave him your all
Because that's how you love when you have a mental illness
But somehow he found a new ball
So your sitting here with unclearness
Why wasnt i enough
With everything we've been through
I thought what we had was tough
But I guess I was just his number two
But all i can say is thank you
For breaking my heart and letting me see
The person i can turn into
Is someone who loves with mental illness is an okay person to be