Love in Portofino
'Twas the summer of 1958
I traveled the country of Italy
And the breeze was great
In my floral hat and flowing dress
I danced all over the city
In Portofino, and I never would've guessed
An angel, like Michelangelo's David
With lucious dark hair and a soft face
His tan that lit up the sun, the flutter of
His butterfly eyelids
Although we were far in distance
Although there was a crowd, blocking
Us from meeting, 'twas in an instance
Our eyes, the string of fate, connected
The desire to dance in his arms
As he dressed like a prince, well-respected
As we run free, create our own kingdom
Where the waves crash and the mermaids
Sing in harmonies and melodies, despite
People believing we're nothing but dumb
But the sound of romance tunes them out
As we sing with the mermaids
Without a string of doubt
But the crowd carries him away
Like the sea, he is caught in a
Riptide, and gloomy becomes the day
So I sit near the river, waiting
As I watch the gondolas pass by
Like Volkswagens in my hometown
As they race while the industry is driving
I hope, and I hope that he returns
But the more I hope, the more I doubt
When, oh when, will I ever learn?
I say this to myself as my heart despairs
Then my feet touch the water
And I dive in, wishing on Earth that
I had never been born
I don't want to return, but drown
As I swim deeper into my sorrow
But like an angel, he comes on down
Swimming down to save me
As rose petals that I've plucked
Surround us both, I and he
So we dance underwater, as though
We are mermaids of the wind
And into the peace of the afterlife we go
Ascending into the sky as the rose
Surround our bodies connected as one
The world never sees, but opposes
While we see the light in the stars
And into the stars we go
Refusing to care about the worldly scars