Love that never ends
Here is my question, here is my thought
Do know my mind, the intricacies of my heart?
Do You see me even in the dark, when I feel so alone?
Do You see the wicked thoughts in my head, when I let my mind roam?
Do You see all these scars and this hidden shame?
Do You see through these masks I wear and this hidden pain?
Here is my thought, the question I feel I must speak
If You see all this how can You still love this man who’s so weak?
How can You love what fails to do right?
How, for dust and ashes could You have given Your life?
Yea, if I were as strong as You had been in the flesh
Maybe then I could understand why You would freely bless
If I’d never made a mistake
never spoken a lie
Then I could understand how I could be the apple of Your eye
But I’ve done all these things, and much worse also
I’ve broken hearts, and in the atrocities of the nations
I’ve foolishly followed.
To those in pain, I lent not a hand
Those weaker than me, I did not help to stand
Yes, of all Your children, I assume my self to be the worse
Still on that day You freely took my hurt
You took my pain and swallowed my sin
Sent death to grave, while bringing me in
In to the holies of holies, in communion with You
Washed by the blood of Christ from sin filthier than puke
And now this day, I stand full of foolish doubts and fears
Stating what I don’t understand, why You remain so near
The answer You give me doesn’t make logical sense,
at lease not according to man’s logic
But still it lifts my spirit, causes my heart to sing
You say “My love is enough to overcome all things
In mercy and truth I washed away all your past
By the Love of the Father, the sacrifice of the Lamb
Only have faith, for through it, by grace, you have been saved
Like the Son of Man on the third day, you have been risen from the grave
Death can no longer hold you, and sin no longer restrain
Rejoice! Cry out! You are free from your chains!
The answer is that I am enough, as is my blood
Though because it is hard for you to understand
the complex simplicity of My unconditional love
I’ll put it as simply as I can
You see, It’s not about what you’ve done, because of who I am
And it matters not who you were, because of what I’ve done
My actions reply to your thoughts, my deeds answer your questions.
So Now no longer be ye of little faith ,
bear your cross and follow me this day
for In my Father’s kingdom I have prepared a place
don’t let these doubts and fears cause you to take your eyes away from me
for with but a little faith you can walk on water and cast mountains into seas
if ever you wonder if My love is great enough just remember the price I paid
when I took hell on the cross that you might be saved.
And I love you just as much now, as I did then
My Love never changes, My love never ends.
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very inspiring poem
it goes to show that we can change for the better
it's about finding yourself and appreciating life for all
great job in expressing yourself-keep writing brother
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this. I like the term complex simplicities. It applies often, I think.
this is a wonderful poem