A Lost Love Letter
I broke your heart
And as a result you broke mine.
You didn’t want to,
And neither did I,
But the fact still remains.
I’m hurt
You’re hurt
No one wins in this game.
It’s sad,
Truly tragic,
Because despite it all
I still love you
Not as a friend,
Not as a brother,
But as the other part of my heart,
Without you my heart stops.
The air to my life,
Without you I can’t breathe.
The heart to my soul,
Without you I no longer exist.
The intelligence to my mind,
Without you, I can’t think.
I wish I could take everything back;
Rewind time to when we were both happy;
Fix what was broken when we weren’t;
Make everything happy ever after.
But I can’t.
I pray every day that I can but I can’t
I guess all I can say is I’m sorry.
All I can do is smile and be your friend
Since that’s the closest I’ll ever get
To go back to what we had.