The Lost Generation
And so it begins,
We are here, right?
You see me but does that mean that you have true sight?
I see you wander… and wander… and wander
Around, confused.
As I look from my left to right, I see these…bastards smile at your confusion, for they are amused.
Frustrated I become,
Lashing out I have signaled that they have won.
I let them know that they have the upper hand
Which is why we have called this the “White-man’s land”
I become…enraged,
Unleashing the beast that these ingrates tried so hard to encage,
I show them what it is like to be considered black, I showed them.
Oh yeah, I showed them alright.
By showing them how violently I fight,
I showed them ignorance.
I showed them that there’s no difference
Between me and those truly locked away
I showed them only what they wished to see, a little black boy astray.