Look at Me

Don’t you dare look away
Frailly attempting to conceal it
That dull pain in your eyes
No quantity of “I’m fine”s and “nevermind”s
Can hide what’s lurking underneath it
I see fears tentacles writing to keep you at bay
Before you even speak I rehearse each word in my mind
I know what you’ll say

“But what if-”
The rest is irrelevant
It doesn’t matter the circumstance
Your worry is restless
Your perception is bent

Just because there’s a chance of mishap
A chance of failure
Doesn’t mean you’re bound for it
Or the statistics aren’t in your favor

Your philosophy
Expect the worst never get hurt
Is gaping with holes
If every moment is brimming with anxious anticipation
There’s no room left for hope

Therefore My philosophy
Is Self-fulfilling prophecy
Because if your muscles
Are constantly tensing for the fall
Then maybe when you hit the ground
You’ll realize that’s what you wanted after all


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