A Little White Coat

A little white coat

Pure and spotless

The girl inside it

Red cheeks admist swirling snow


A Little girl in a little white coat

Innocent and sweet

The pair perfectly matched

Or so it would seem


The snow starts to melt

Spring flowers start to bud

The little girl in her little white coat

Change is in the air


The little white coat is afraid

When the little girl grows

Who will wear me?

No one, I will be alone


Spring is gone,

The heat now apparent

The little girl sadly

Hangs up her little white coat


Summer passes, fall is over

Winter and snow have come again

The little girl, bigger now

Tries to put on her little white coat


It does not fit!

How can this be?

The little white coat is now too small

For the little girl all grown up


It's sadly put in a box

The little white coat is all alone

Years pass, winters come and go

Still no light shines on the little white coat


The little girl is all grown up now,

And finally has a little girl of her own

So she pulls out a box

From many winters long ago


Her little white coat

A bit worn but still good

Will fit her little girl

And protect her from the cold


A little white coat

A red-cheeked girl inside it

The pair perfectly matched

Or so it would seem.



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